Michael (Mike) Adray
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Mike Adray
Mike Adray was born in Detroit, Michigan and was raised in south Dearborn graduating from Fordson High School. While working for the Ford Motor Company in 1954, Adray along with his wife started Adray Appliance Company. Mike Adray believed athletics were a good training ground for young people and as his store became more successful he shared his wealth with the community, especially in the area of amateur athletics. Over the years, whether it was through scholarships, or funding hockey, softball and baseball teams, hundreds of thousands of children in the Detroit area benefitted from Adray’s kindness and philanthropic endeavors. His is a fine legacy of public-spiritedness, of trying in some way to make a positive difference in the lives of those around him. Mike Adray was inducted into the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame in 1983. He passed away on January 16, 1992 at 70 years of age.