Waterford, MI

John Herrington

Waterford, MI
High School Football Coach
Farmington Hills Harrison (1970 - 2018)
Won 443 games as a high school football coach over a 49 year career.
Winningest high school footall coach in Michigan history.
13x State Champion

John Herrington

High School Football Coach
Farmington Hills Harrison (1970 – 2018)

John Herrington was born in Waterford, Michigan graduating from Kettering High School, where he played football, basketball and baseball. He then moved on to Central Michigan University (CMU) where he played basketball. In 1962 after graduating from CMU, Herrington accepted an assistant football coaching position at North Farmington High School where he stayed until 1970 when he became the first and only head football at Farmington Hills Harrison High School. In the intervening 49 years, his impact on Michigan High School football has been unmatched, his teams have won 13 State Championships and he has sent many hundreds of student-athletes on to the collegiate ranks, with a few making it all the way to the NFL. When Herrington retired after the 2018 season, he was the winningest high school football coach in Michigan history with 443 wins. John Herrington was inducted into the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame in 2001.